Hormone therapy involves supplementing hormones that are deficient or imbalanced in the body. It can provide considerable benefits when customized properly under medical supervision. At New Beginnings HRT Clinic in San Diego, we offer cutting-edge hormone optimization therapy using bioidentical hormones to help patients regain optimal functioning.
The first step is diagnosing any hormonal deficiencies or imbalances through comprehensive lab testing. We analyze key hormones including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, thyroid hormones T3 and T4, cortisol, and more to pinpoint areas needing support.
Imbalances often result from aging, chronic stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, or undiagnosed medical conditions. Low testosterone in men, known as hypogonadism or Low T, becomes increasingly common from the 30s onward. We help identify the root causes for each patient.
Our clinic specializes in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using a personalized, phasic approach based on the patient's unique lab results, symptoms, and goals.
We use bioidentical hormones which are molecularly identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body, avoiding issues caused by synthetic hormones. Treatment is available for both men and women.
Hormone levels are carefully tracked and adjusted over time for optimal safety and results. Follow up lab testing is conducted periodically to ensure values are optimized. We also provide nutritional, fitness and lifestyle guidance as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Correcting deficiencies and imbalances can provide transformative improvements such as:
Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. While the effects are often celebrated, research shows the treatment also comes with increased health risks like blood clots, suggesting more study is still needed to make the therapies as safe and effective as possible.
With over 15 years serving patients, New Beginnings HRT Clinic is a leading clinic providing exceptional care. Key reasons to choose us include:
New Beginnings HRT Clinic offers men and women struggling with hormonal issues the solutions needed to reclaim health, performance and an overall sense of wellbeing. Contact us today to learn more and get started on your path to better living through hormone optimization.